With so much going on, how do we find peace in our hearts? Using the Divine Matrix within us all, we can have our feelings about discord and still rise above them and transcend the fear, anger, hate, rage, sadness, disappointment, and discouragement. It doesn't matter as much that...
When we can't find the fighter in ourselves; the fighter that brings us back to the center and makes us feel safe, whole, and with a future; then we can feel silenced, choked, distressed. When those things happen, it makes you feel like an alien in your own skin....
Our availability and willingness to receive and reveal inspirations from the Source of All will make us always the wiser. When we awaken our heart and mind to this powerful information from the Divine Expert, we download ideas that are constructive, progressive, and transformative. Rev. Jay discusses the who,...
Moving from perception to awakening, we review our talks and themes of 2020 to preview 2021. What have we heard? What have we learned? What have we encoded into our consciousness, belief system, and in the perception of how life works? Join Rev. Jay in an exploration of the...
Light the candles in the rain of your subconscious shame, blame, guilt, and regrets. As we reveal what has been concealed, we can relieve the burdens they have put on our manifesting powers. Join Rev. Jay in breaking the hold these past experiences have on you. It's only energy....
We're taught: Perfect God, perfect person, perfect being. God is the Light that dissolves darkness. But what if our shadow traits begin to arise? What if we find the conditions of the outside world getting in our way of healing, manifesting, and enjoying life? Join Rev. Jay with...
What to do with that leftover gratitude? Leftover gratitude? Gratitude is like those carryover minutes in a mobile or data plan, the leftovers are re-usable. Just like Thursday's leftovers, you can make a sandwich of turkey and thankfulness, moistened with gravy and gratitude or a soup of forgiveness, vulnerability,...
By Its very nature, the Universe has an obligation to all Creation. It is the inevitable effect of Its unconditional love. We too have an obligation. Not to the Universe, but because of the spiritual Laws we are bound