Discover two ways to make sure your faith holds no compromise. Rev. Jay brings this non-religious way to keep your faith in your life so you can keep the faith in everything you think, feel, say, and do with no compromise.
Is making a decision enough? Is working with intention enough? Listen for 3 steps and one big leap to declaring your good and manifesting it in your life. Decide AND intend.
Do live a que sera sera life or a que credere sera life? Either way, you can sit back and expect whatever it is you expect in life. However, you must decide if you want to live as a statistic or start a new statistic. Join Rev. Jay in...
Where do your loyalties lie? What promises or contract(s) have you made in mind that no longer serve you? Over the years, we make these vows to ourselves, sometimes unintentionally, that actually hinder growth, transformation, evolution, and even transcendence. That might have been agreed upon as a protection mechanism...
Does criticism get you down? praise get you up? sympathy keep you going? Is that the best way to run your life...with the ups and downs of other people's opinions, judgments, compliments, or support? Rev. Jay brings the 2nd Agreement and other inspiring ideas into your field of light...
Do you want to transform your life? Start here.
Do you want to evolve from where you are, right now? Start here.
Do you want to step up, dive in, refresh, recycle and reboot your innate greatness? Start here with Rev. Jay to transform your life. You can do this, you...
Expand IT!
We've checked our belief, we've checked our love of this Power and Presence, we've observed and authenticated It in all of life, we've learned to embody It in ourselves, and we've connected to It and decluttered our sub-conscious and unconscious beliefs through IT. Now it's time to streeeetch...
Decades ago, Steven Covey introduced the Be-Do-Have model to the mainstream in his book "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People." This is not only a personal and professional-development solution, it is a spiritual one. When we are feeling that something is missing or perhaps there is a...
Our thoughts are prayers. So think the best thoughts. What are you focusing on? Your faith that the Universe has your back and the way you pray or any spiritual practice you engage in are connected. They are the direct line from your desire to your manifestation. Join Rev....
What lie(s) have you told yourself about yourself? Get your head out of the sand. Get your excuses out of your mind and mouth. And get your consciousness around the Truth. If you tell yourself the Universe is against you...stop lying to yourself. If you tell yourself you were...