You've gotta do it now. You have got to do it today. Don't hesitate or ponder about it or hedge or waffle. Give it up now! What am I talking about specifically? Tune in, turn it on, dial it up, and push the play button and see. The link...
Where are you looking for inspiration? It's not far to get there. The path has already been created, the map is guaranteed to work. As powerful as the Big Bang, more knowledgeable than Google, and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. It's the super YOU. Closer...
Today we shall explore the word "spooky" and its synonyms to dig into our teaching of mental science, the laws of manifestation, and our Oneness with Spirit. Rev. Jay inspires us to remove the mask and get authentic with our badass spiritual selves. "Isn't it spooky," he asks? Yes,...
What are you looking at? What are you focusing on? What are you feeding your mind with? The answer lies in what is manifesting in your life. If you wanna change any of those experiences, then keep your eyes on the prize you really seek to have. Rev. Jay...
Do you cherish what you want to manifest next? If not, you are missing a key component to demonstrating that in your life. Thoughts and feelings equal beliefs, and beliefs are what the Universe is listening for to do the "how" in bringing you your next adventure. Join Rev....
An essential ingredient in manifesting!
Clear the cobwebs, unhook from the chains, and get out of the Drama Triangle - take the journey to freedom from triggered emotions and negative reactions. Join Rev. Jay in declaring your emancipation from the bondage of old stories, worries, and dramas to clear...
Discover two ways to make sure your faith holds no compromise. Rev. Jay brings this non-religious way to keep your faith in your life so you can keep the faith in everything you think, feel, say, and do with no compromise.
Is making a decision enough? Is working with intention enough? Listen for 3 steps and one big leap to declaring your good and manifesting it in your life. Decide AND intend.
Do live a que sera sera life or a que credere sera life? Either way, you can sit back and expect whatever it is you expect in life. However, you must decide if you want to live as a statistic or start a new statistic. Join Rev. Jay in...
Where do your loyalties lie? What promises or contract(s) have you made in mind that no longer serve you? Over the years, we make these vows to ourselves, sometimes unintentionally, that actually hinder growth, transformation, evolution, and even transcendence. That might have been agreed upon as a protection mechanism...