Gratitude isn't just for Turkey Day. Dr. Jay gives you tools for post-Thanksgiving gratitude practices that upgrade your mindset and manifestations. Another place where science and spirituality meet to power your best life.
Better than gratitude? Join Dr. Jay in exploring a phrase that is used more and more and the dominant word that moves the phrase into a new dimension of being in gratitude...appreciate.
The manifestation key! The Law of Assumption does not make an ass out of you and me, it makes an asset out of you and me. Break the manifestation run-a-round with this technique that uses the powers you already have. Now, you will be able to celebrate or revise...
What powerful tool is usually considered rude, impolite, disrespectful, intrusive, meddlesome, nosy, and can be scandalous? Join Doc Jay in discovering a technique to create the mindset for manifesting your next adventure. It's the good kind of eavesdropping that puts you in a space to receive what you have...
e for you to unlearn what you learned from a dumb parent, teacher, clergyperson, boss, or friend? What b. s. has been accepted in your Belief System that is full of inaccuracies? …that you sometimes unknowingly say to yourself about yourself that prevents yourself from being yourself? It is...
Our goal here is to bring forth what is already within us; to awaken our true power, love, wisdom, and joy by focusing our minds on wise and constructive choices; choices that become as natural as breathing, choices that show up as daily as the sun and as nightly...
We talk a lot about being conscious, staying conscious, and consciously choosing. We talk about the subconscious, where all the stories hang out - the ideas, ideals, and beliefs. Today I want to explore what is going on in your unconscious; the place your reactions are stored, a black...
Who's responsible for your life? Big question deserving a big answer. And how does one empower that which is responsible? This and other answered questions are revealed by Dr. Jay, in this week's talk on empowering your responsibility.
Whatever happens – let it be okay. That doesn't mean you don't do something about it so it doesn't happen again. It means you deal with it consciously and not in trigger mode, fear mode, or reactionary mode, but in a mode of calm, knowing the Universe has your...
Why do we exist? Why are we here? What is our mission? You are on a mission to create your greatest life, whether it's for 50 more years or ten. Join Dr. Jay in exploring the best questions for quality answers to set you up on your mission....